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Tag: podcast

Raging Nerds Episode 023 – Systems Before it’s Time

What ever happened to those Video Game systems that none of us could afford? well let me tell you! This week Jon and Thirsty talk about the ‘ol systems of yore and their trusty sidekick accessories.

-What do you get when you take a Phone and a taco? That’s right a Nokia N-Gage
-Why on earth can you use a super scope in Yoshi Safari?
-You remember that time you first held a controller that had rumble features and freaked out for a second
-Be a bad ass bitch who gets an arcade machine for free
-You had me at Ginger but we read the rest of the title anyway

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Raging Nerds Episode 021 – Indie Comic Review Part 1

After an extended hiatus Thirsty and Jon are back at it again with the first segment of a two part indie comic review! So sit back and relax while we go over some reads.

  • Lets be honest…Trinity Cross is a stripper name
  • The Phantom kid takes a trip to Goodwill to stock up on Easter baskets and sandals.
  • ya know maybe having all that occult stuff underneath your town is causing all this drama but idk that’s just me
  • Mad Max meets Blade Runner don’t mind if I do
  • that moment when you don’t realize you’re reading an Anthology comic book and think the comic is just jumping around really fast
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Raging Nerds Episode 020 – House of Danger Ch.5

Jon, Thirsty, and Justin Corbett return to the Marsden Mansion in Z-man games’ Choose Your Own Adventure: House of Danger to fight ghosts’ and help the alien ambassador.

-20 minutes to save the world…sounds like a regular Tuesday night.

-Who you gonna call? The aspiring psychic investigator!!!

-Wait, were all these monkeys able to talk this whole time?

-If Super Mario has taught me anything its to eat random mushrooms.

-Its about to get lit with these UFO strobe lights.

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Raging Nerds Episode 011 – Studio Ghibli

Either you feel great after watching a Studio Ghibli movie or you’ve just watched grave of the fireflies and are now in a puddle of your own tears. Welcome back to episode 11 of Raging Nerds where Thirsty and Jon discuss Studio Ghibli.

-so is it Gib-lee or Jib-lee?

-Who is taking me to The Ghibli Museum in Japan so we can get in a catbus?

-still confused why the subtitles don’t match the dubbed version of my anime.

-Studio Ghibli Theme park  looks like a forest who took too much acid and is into steam punk.

-Sophie you are beautiful okay!?

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